Black Friday is the more common phrase for the Friday following Thanksgiving where shops offer promotional items to buyers in an attempt to drive sales, get rid of stock and gain more business in the run up to Christmas.
Black Friday initially started in the US and has since spread to other countries around the world forcing the general public to take advantage of these cheaper prices and therefore panic buy.
News stories flash around the world showing people rushing into shops, in pursuit of the offerings and to be the first person to grab that all important deal.
Although Black Friday has been one of the major shopping days for several years, recent endeavours to move Black Friday online have not been successful. In 2017 several online retailers eCommerce systems crashed whilst shoppers were trying to buy, causing an uproar amongst the buyers. Failure to prepare for this surge in traffic can cause lost revenue for retailers as well as damage to reputation.
Rather than race to buy on the Friday, online shoppers have started to leave it till later, usually waiting until the Sunday or the Monday when they’re at work. Spending some time during the day placing their orders to make that significant purchase.
Cyber Monday has been making more of an impact over the last few years, there is less chance of the eCommerce sites crashing as fewer people are looking to buy than Black Friday, but will this continue?
If Cyber Monday continues and more people choose to buy online rather than rush to the shops on the Friday will this mean those online eCommerce shops are more liable to crash and cause further frustration.
Online retailers who choose to sell their goods online require efficient and robust systems to be able to handle the volume of traffic arising on these critical shopping days.
Paramount provide online retailers with these robust eCommerce platforms, enabling them to handle a large volume of traffic and sustain any high impact shopping or browsing that may occur.
If you have an online shop which has to sustain a high volume of shoppers then drop us a line to see what we can do for you.